After getting your high school diploma you made the decision not to go into college sports. This might be because of minor league baseball, a Mormon Mission, personal reasons, etc. No matter what the reason you want to play your sport again and you’ve got your eye on the college level. You might be asking yourself, “Am I too old?” or, “Is it too late?” Put your doubts to rest and remember that there have been many people who have pursued other paths before coming back to play college sports. Just because you had to put your dreams on hold for awhile doesn’t mean you can’t jump right back in where you left off.
College coaches want to add great athletes who can help them win games. They want players with high character, dedication, and competitiveness. Coaches are willing to go to great lengths to find and sign players who have these traits, even if the athlete is coming from a very unique situation. It’s called finding a diamond in the rough. If you have the proper passion and talent then you have exactly what they want.
Having talent and wanting to be recruited is one thing. Actually making contact with college coaches and making them aware of your desire to enter the recruitment process is another. KTA Recruiting was built around the concept of connecting athletes of all kinds with college coaches. It came from noticing that standard recruiting services ignored everyone but high school students, leaving everyone else to figure it out on their own. Our service is designed from the ground up to make sure that college coaches can find athletes just like you who have graduated from high school but haven’t been to college yet. Coaches knew people like you were out there, athletes with great talent, but they had no idea how to find you. Now we’ve provided a solution.
Our process is very simple. We allow college coaches from across the country to see your highlights and complete profile. You’ll know who’s looked at you and who’s added you to their recruiting boards immediately. We track it all. Plus we include helpful resources for contacting coaches. You always want to appear professional and serious about your desire to play.
We believe that one of the most important things to do before the process starts is for you to sit down and really consider what you want out of your future college selection. We suggest writing down a list of your priorities and ranking them. These could be things like early playing time, winning a championship right away, or staying close to home. We suggest this to give you an internal guide throughout the recruitment process. People around you mean well, but they will offer you differing opinions on which school to select. Its hard not to let personal feelings get in the way. Ultimately a college decision is huge and will affect the rest of your career and life. It’s important that the decision remain your decision. College coaches aren’t paid to help you find the best college that fits you. They’re paid to get you to sign to their school. If you walk onto a used car lot without having an idea of what you want you might get sold something that isn’t quite right for you.
Once you’ve created an account with us and made your college selection priorities you may begin to get contacted by coaches. This is an exciting time as you consider many various options. It is important to keep detailed notes on every school that contacts you. Do your research and ask questions. Be honest and upfront with coaches. Do not be afraid to tell them who else is recruiting you or what your priorities for making your college selection are.
Ultimately your college choice is more than just a four-year decision. It is the foundation for your career and life. Weigh your options as best you can and enjoy the ride!
From all of us here at KTA Recruiting, we wish you success as you go through the recruiting process!